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学术预告:华南理工大学杨启贵教授《Chaos of multi-dimensional linear hyperbolic PDEs》

发布日期:2023年12月23日 10:37    作者:   编辑:李昌志  点击:

报告题目:Chaos of multi-dimensional linear hyperbolic PDEs



要:This report deals with the dynamics of a system governed by a multi-dimensional linear hyperbolic PDE. The dynamical behaviors of linear PDEs extremely depend on the selection of space, and a conventional way is to define a infinite-dimensional space with a tuning parameter. Thereby, the linear PDEs can exhibit chaos or stability in the different range of tuning parameter. In this work, the chaos of the C0-semigroup corresponding to the system is established on the Banach space of multivariate analytic functions when the tuning parameter exceeds some given positive number. Based on this, both Devaney and distributional chaos of the system are further obtained. Meanwhile, the C0-semigroup is proved to be uniformly exponentially stable when the tuning parameter is less than a certain positive number, which contributes to showing the global stability of the system. Finally, two examples are given to illustrate effectiveness of our results.

专家简介:杨启贵,二级教授,理学博士,博士生导师,华南理工大学教学名师. 曾获广西科技进步一等奖(排名:1/4)和广东省高等教育省级教学成果二等奖(排名:2/5), 连续3次广东省优秀博士论文指导教师等. 至现今为止,在JDEChaos等国内外发表论文150余篇,到目前为止,被SCI摘录140多篇,SCI正面他引2500多次. 主持混沌方面的国家自然基金项目5项、省级自然基金项目7项等,主持国家或省部级教研项目13项以及国家一流专业负责人;参加国家自然科学基金重大科研仪器研制项目1项、国家自然基金项目4项和和广东省研究团队1项等。
